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		<title>Bethel4All: 24 groups. 5 churches. 4 languages. 1 Christ. - self-care</title>
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		<description>doubts welcomed; faith inspired</description>
		<lastBuildDate>Sun, 22 Jun 2014 23:24:33 +0000</lastBuildDate>
		<copyright>©Bethel Lutheran Church</copyright>
		<itunes:subtitle>Weekly messages of hope, comfort, and challenge.</itunes:subtitle>
		<itunes:summary>Preaching brought to you by the united ministries of Bethel4All in Shoreline, WA--a collection of 5 diverse worshiping bodies (and 20+ other organizations) operating out of the same facility and partnering towards the betterment of the greater community.</itunes:summary>
			<itunes:name>Bethel Lutheran Church </itunes:name>
					<itunes:image href="http://www.bethellutheranchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/bethel4all-window-2-square.jpg"/>
					<itunes:category text="Religion &amp; Spirituality">
				<itunes:category text="Christianity"/>
					<title>Why, God? Why God? Why? God.</title>
					<pubDate>Sun, 22 Jun 2014 23:24:33 +0000</pubDate>
					<dc:creator><![CDATA[Pastor Chris Ode]]></dc:creator>
					<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.bethellutheranchurch.org/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&#038;p=1216</guid>
					<description><![CDATA[The commandments about "God and us" aren't about "people worship God in order to make God feel better"--they're about worshiping God to make us better people.]]></description>
					<content:encoded><![CDATA[The commandments about "God and us" aren't about "people worship God in order to make God feel better"--they're about worshiping God to make us better people.]]></content:encoded>
					<itunes:summary><![CDATA[The commandments about "God and us" aren't about "people worship God in order to make God feel better"--they're about worshiping God to make us better people.]]></itunes:summary>

					<itunes:author>Pastor Chris Ode</itunes:author>
					<itunes:subtitle>The commandments about "God and us" aren't about "people worship God in order to make God feel better"--they're about worshiping God to make us better people.</itunes:subtitle>
											<!--suppress CheckEmptyScriptTag -->
						<enclosure url="http://www.bethellutheranchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/recording-20140622-100654.mp3"
											<itunes:keywords>God&#039;s promise, identity, idols, self-care, self-reflection</itunes:keywords>