Proposed Constitutional Changes

On May 18, we’ll be having our biannual congregational meeting to elect next year’s council.  Additionally, we will be voting on some proposed changes to our current constitution.  You can find both the current language and the proposed changes here, as well as a snapshot immediately below this post:

  • the officers of the Council are defined as the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer (current language in C12.01 and c13.01 is otherwise redundant)
  • lay Council make-up is changed from being comprised of these 4 officers and the various committee chairs to these 4 officers and 5 at-large members (this allows for more flexibility in forming the Council as well as the various congregational ministries)
  • references to “congregation committees and ministries” are changed to “congregation ministries, teams, and committees” (this better reflects current practice)
  • ministries/teams/committees are specifically allowed to organize in whatever manner they find most effective (this better reflects current practice)