February 25 – Lenten Worship

A reminder about our Lenten schedule (and a message from Pastor Pam Russell at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church):


Dear friends,
Remember that we gather for worship on Wednesday evenings for the next 5 weeks. Tomorrow night, March 11, and March 25, we will worship at Prince of Peace—joined by members of Bethel Lutheran Church.

On March 4 and 18, we will worship at Bethel, on NE 175th St. at 8th Ave. NE.

In each case, worship begins at 7 pm.

Our theme for the season is: “All theology is local.”

Tomorrow night our Bible reading will be the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. A member of our community will share her faith journey with us.

Please be aware that we have opportunity during this season of Lent for others to share their faith stories—what the cross means to you, what baptism means to you, what being a member of the body of Christ has meant to you—especially the body of Christ here at Prince of Peace. If you would like to share your story, please talk to me or email me.

Warmest thoughts to you, on this beautiful spring evening,
Pastor Pam