First Time Here

You shall love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Deuteronomy 11:2)

Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating: Why are they standing?  How does this song go?  Where are the bathrooms?  At Bethel we recognize the leap of faith required by anyone who answers the call to worship in a new place, and we celebrate the work of the Spirit that brought you here.  Faith is never perfect, and seldom easy–that’s why at Bethel we boldly proclaim: “doubts welcomed; faith inspired.”  There is a place for everyone in this house of God.  With that in mind, here are some common questions that might be on your mind before arriving:

Where should I park?

Bethel’s facility has two parking lots: a small one on the upper level of the facility, and a larger one on the lower level.  Both lots are accessible from the main driveway on 15th Ave NE.  Please note: if you need ADA-accessible parking, your best option is the upper lot.

When should I arrive?

Sunday morning worship begins with a musical prelude at 9:30am. Since we are still in the midst of the pandemic, all are required to wear a mask while in the building. In accordance with our current safety rules, all are allowed to enter the church 10 minutes before the service begins and must leave 10 minutes after it ends.

What if I prefer to watch the service online?

Go to  our Facebook page in order to access livestreaming of our services as well as previous recordings.

What should I wear?

“Business casual” is a common choice for people, but is in no way mandatory.  Dress as you are comfortable: you’ll see people dressed formally, and some dressed quite casually–all are valid options.

What will worship be like?

Worship at Bethel changes from season to season: whatever you experience on one Sunday may or may not be reflective of what took place the week before.  But while the style may change, the heart remains the same: always searching for a stronger connection to the love of God in our lives and a means to share it with others.

Keep in mind that “what you see” isn’t “what you get” – there is always room to explore new ways of growing faith!  If you have something you think we should try, let us know about it: just because it’s not happening now, doesn’t mean it can’t happen at all.  The ministry of this place is at its best when the gifts, talents, and ideas of all are included.

Come Visit

Visitors (with masks – required at this time) are also always welcome to come by and say hello during our office hours which are Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Meet our office staff, see the church, and learn more about who we are!