A Message from Pastor Jim

Be sure to check out our Facebook account for some GREAT pictures from Sunday’s celebration of Pastor Jim’s 50 years in ordained ministry!

From Pastor Jim Schoeld: To all who read the monthly Messenger… I am deeply grateful for the unbelievable celebration held last Sunday in recognition of my 50th Anniversary of Ordination. It was such a well kept secret and so well executed that I really have no words to share how thankful I am for the grand party. I especially thank Pastor Ode for checking old files and discovering some unique documents! Dieter Rice on the sax, the fine food, those who made comments, the kitchen workers, all who attended and the emotion in the room all fit together so beautifully. Rachel also contributed some artifacts that mysteriously had disappeared from our home.
Many area pastors and wives, our Bishop Boerger, Bishop’s Assistant Jan Nesse, previous members of Bethel, my niece from Albuquerque and her daughter who works at Cancer Care Alliance downtown, musical staff of Gordon Hilstad and Sylvia Oines and many faithful members of the fine Bethel family came to the party. Thanks for being there to share my joy. You all have a special place in my heart. I am grateful for my years in your midst.
Sincerely, Pastor Jim Schoeld (the rolling reverend)