August 11 Special Guest Preacher: the Rev. Mary Lindberg

Pastor Lindberg comes to us from Compass Housing Alliance where she serves as the Community Engagement Coordinator.

A little bit about Compass (from their website):

The Compass Center was founded in 1920 when a remarkable couple from Sweden (Reverend and Mrs. Alva Karlstrom) began a little mission in Seattle – part chapel, part employment agency, part reading room, part language school, part soup kitchen, part crash-pad for the stranded. Over the years, the face of homelessness has continued to change, and the Compass Center adjusted and expanded accordingly.  By the end of 2009, the Compass Center was operating day services, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, and family shelter at 19 locations around the Seattle Area.

Family & Adult Service Center (FASC) operated as an independent homeless day center and family program until 2007, when it partnered operations with The Compass Center.  In 2009, FASC’s programs officially became part of the Compass umbrella of services.

LATCH was incorporated as a non-profit housing development organization by four Lutheran churches in 1990.  At the time of the merger, LATCH had 36 member congregations and owned and operated 205 apartments, which provide stable, affordable homes to nearly 500 people, half of whom are children.

In 2009, LATCH and The Compass Center began the process of merging into one comprehensive housing and services agency.  Compass Housing Alliance was officially born on January 1, 2010.

In July 2011, HomeStep became a part of Compass.  This greatly expanded the agency’s capacity to serve families and also increased transitional housing options for single adults.