Tent City 3 Food Crisis

If you’re in the Shoreline area and have access to extra food, PLEASE consider sharing some with Tent City 3 (currently hosted by our neighbors at the Shoreline Free Methodist Church). From Fallen Brothers Seattle: here is a brief description of Tent City 3’s needs: Tent City 3 has 100 plus residents located at the … [Read more…]

Wednesday Night Changes

As announced on Sunday, please note that we’ll be reexamining our Wednesday night programming (6pm PM Playdate and 7:15pm Text Messages) for the summer.  For now, these programs are on hiatus while we evaluate other options for the future. Note that Wednesdays at 1pm will still be Midday Meditation.

Rummage Sale: June 1

Don’t forget: the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Rummage Sale happens next Saturday, June 1. Our youth group is using our Fellowship Hall to house their portion of the rummage sale to benefit their summer mission trip to San Francisco. Our parking lots will be open to other groups to  use as space allows.  If you or anyone … [Read more…]

Affirmation of Baptism 2013

Congratulations to Jayne Rudnick on this, the day she affirmed her baptism and became a full member of Bethel Lutheran Church!  We thank the Lord for her statement of faith (as well as our other Pentecost Sunday participants–Elia Smith and Betsy Pickrell), and wish for further wisdom for her as she grows in faith.  Check … [Read more…]

We have a new bishop!

Congratulations to the new bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: the Rev. Kirby Unti of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church (Renton)!  We pray for wisdom  for Bishop-elect Unti, for rejuvenation for Bishop Boerger, for missional zeal for the synod,  and for serenity in the midst of change for the … [Read more…]

Synod Assembly 2013

The Northwest Washington Synod’s 2013 Assembly begins in Lynnwood today, then runs through Saturday.  Please keep the attendees and nominees in your prayers as we seek the next bishop to lead us into the next 6 years.  This year’s keynote speaker is the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, Mark Hanson–you can hear him throughout the … [Read more…]

A Message from Pastor Jim

Be sure to check out our Facebook account for some GREAT pictures from Sunday’s celebration of Pastor Jim’s 50 years in ordained ministry! From Pastor Jim Schoeld: To all who read the monthly Messenger… I am deeply grateful for the unbelievable celebration held last Sunday in recognition of my 50th Anniversary of Ordination. It was … [Read more…]

Pastor Jim Schoeld: 50 years of ministry!

To everyone who came together to celebrate Pastor Jim’s 50 years of ministry: THANK YOU!!!  It was a wonderful celebration: memories, prayer, songs, food, conversation–what a blessed event!  Pictures will be coming up on Facebook soon (Bethel of Shoreline), so check ’em out–especially the look of complete and total shock on his face when he … [Read more…]