Author: Bethel Lutheran Church
And we’re back!

Some of you might have noticed that we were AWOL for a bit: a snafu with our website registration lead to a temporary shutdown of the site — which was especially hard to get fixed over Memorial Day weekend. As such, it’s also possible any email you sent to a “” address over the … [Read more…]
Bethel Lutheran Church is NOT closing

Read the title of this post. Repeat it to yourself. Then repeat it again. Bethel Lutheran Church is NOT closing. Period. End of story. It’s become apparent to me over the past few weeks that a few rumors are flying around out in the wider community — maybe not all over the place, but … [Read more…]
Future Directions for Bethel’s Ministry

As a follow-up to Pastor Chris’ most recent Beam article, the document posted below will be distributed to participants at the various house meetings scheduled for this week and next as well as at worship on March 8 and 15. If you haven’t done so already, please check in with the church office concerning the … [Read more…]
February 25 – Lenten Worship

A reminder about our Lenten schedule (and a message from Pastor Pam Russell at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church): Dear friends,Remember that we gather for worship on Wednesday evenings for the next 5 weeks. Tomorrow night, March 11, and March 25, we will worship at Prince of Peacejoined by members of Bethel Lutheran Church.On March 4 and 18, we will worship … [Read more…]
Lent: All Theology is Local

This year, we’ll be partnering with our brothers and sisters at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Shoreline) for our Lenten Wednesday evening services. We’ll be alternating between the sites and including a couple of midday options this year as we celebrate our theme: “All Theology is Local” — a chance to explore God’s work in … [Read more…]
Blessed Advent to all! (and here’s our Christmas schedule)

While we’re still in the Advent season, it’s a good time to let folks know about our 2014 Christmas schedule: December 21 @6pm – Come and celebrate our unity in Christ amidst the diversity of Bethel4All’s 6 churches! Dessert reception afterward. December 24 @5pm – NEW THIS YEAR! Experience a family-friendly, kid-oriented worship service filled with … [Read more…]
“Re-Membering Our Faith” and Budget Discussion

A pair of reminders for tomorrow: “Re-Membering Our Faith” — a 4 week course for new and “old” members starts tomorrow afterw worship. Pastor Chris will be leading this look at our heritage as Lutheran Christians as well as Bethel’s ministry in the wider community. DURING worship, we’ll be holding our annual congregational budget meeting … [Read more…]