Author: Bethel Lutheran Church
Cluster Youth Event: April 13 @6pm

Chocolate Eggs, Bunny Rabbits, and an Empty Tomb: Huh?? Hey, Cluster Youth, it’s happening again: time for our monthly chance to hang out together! Head on over to Bethel in Shoreline (17418 8th Ave NE) for snacks, conversation, and a wicked game of Sardines (or perhaps BucketBall?). Easter is a’comin’ and it’s a GREAT time … [Read more…]
April 2014 Beam is up!

Check it out It makes female genital area dry, kills libido and creates next page purchase cheap levitra problem for arousal. Working towards reducing the pain at an early stage is beneficial to protect the health. Emotional turbulences such as performance anxiety, relationship problems, or fatigue. It is advisable that should be taken an hour … [Read more…]
Lenten worship and new sermons

Lenten Evening worship services are underway every Wednesday–check out the link for the schedule (7pm for worship, locations are Mar 26 @Edmonds Lutheran Church, Apr 2 @Bethel, Apr 9 @Edmonds). Also, don’t forget Holy Week and Easter Sunday services April 17-20 (check that same link). New sermons up to boot!
Lent 2014

This year we will be joining with Edmonds Lutheran Church and our brothers and sisters from the Reborn Church for our Wednesday Evening Lenten services. “Our theme for these services will be taken from Henri Nouwen’s book, “Can You Drink the Cup?”–his final reflection prior to his death in 1996 in which he explored the … [Read more…]
New page: “old” page

Did you know that Bethel has a new website? Yup–but it’s the same as the “old” one! Our default page, is straightforward and serves us well: it’s hard to be more direct with a web address. However, it’s also fairly lengthy–24 characters (including the .org)–and includes a tricky “double L” (which can be easy … [Read more…]