Cluster Youth Group: Oct 13 @6:30pm

It’s going to be another great year for the combined youth of Bethel, Prince of Peace (Shoreline), Light of the Cross (Bothell) and Edmonds Lutheran Churches!  Teens and parents are invited to come and join us for fellowship, Bible Study, prayer, and opportunities for service–contact Pastor Chris with any questions you might have: Here’s the … [Read more…]

Bethel United

What an AMAZING afternoon!  Men, women, and children from Bethel Lutheran Church, Bethel Ethiopian Church of Seattle, Iglesia Evangelica, the Reborn Church, and the Jaywalkers AA came together to clean up/out and reorganize several of our downstairs closets with WONDERFUL results!  Secure storage was created for BECS’ sound system, a cabinet was moved in preparation … [Read more…]

Priesthood of All Believers

This year witnesses a new worship element at Bethel: a new series of Sunday Bible readings, the Narrative Lectionary. Using this series of readings will benefit us with its emphasis on biblical narrative and the ways in which we approach the story of our faith. This change brings another opportunity with it: additional elements of … [Read more…]

Cluster Youth Group: Sept 22 @6:30pm

It’s going to be another great year for the combined youth of Bethel, Prince of Peace (Shoreline), Light of the Cross (Bothell) and Edmonds Lutheran Churches!  Teens and parents are invited to come and join us for fellowship, Bible Study, prayer, and opportunities for service–contact Pastor Chris with any questions you might have: Here’s the … [Read more…]

Blessing of the Pets 2013

Blessing of the Pets – October 6 at 12:30pm “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind…’”  This year we will be bringing back a semi-old tradition at Bethel: a simple service in the Lower Parking Lot.  While all of God’s creatures are welcome to attend, those who might struggle … [Read more…]

Garden Party Clean-up: Sept 7

All are welcome to come to the church this Saturday at 9am for weeding and light pruning of the grounds.  Afterward, you’re invited to Bruce and Elia Smith’s for tea and lunch (noonish)!  Let’s get one more day of sprucing up the place under our belts before the rains really come!

Midday Meditation is back!

Every Wednesday at 1pm, you are invited for prayer, conversation, Bible study, and faith exploration with Pastor Chris in his office.  We’ll examine the readings for the upcoming Sunday, ponder the work of God in our lives, and grow in Christian joy. (an evening option will return soon–let Pastor Chris know if you have a … [Read more…]

Second Sunday = Bethel Breakfast

It’s that time again: with summer’s end comes the beginning of our community meals!  All are invited for fellowship following worship on September 8–we’ll be downstairs in the Fellowship Hall, and there’s always plenty of food to go around!  A $3 donation is requested to help offset the cost of supplies, but none will be … [Read more…]